June: 1 Month, 2 Countries- All God!

Whew!!! I already know I’m not gonna do this post enough justice because there’s been so much, but I hope you still feel me!

1. Saudi cellphone “salesmen” got a true BKNY experience courtesy of yours truly. My girl Karissa can reenact it for y’all. Bottom line, the men found out women DO have a voice that day 😉

2. I had the option of going back to the US for summer vacay, which would’ve been the safe thing to do.

3. But instead, this summer The World has become my address.

4. Always thought backpackers looked silly and now I have a backpack, thanks Trai!

5. I have not seen one African American person since 6/12 (although I’ve seen Africans).  I don’t think I’ve gone that long without seeing my people. I just wanna connect with one, give them the nod/smile or something.

6. Volunteered in Paksong, Thailand for two weeks-humbling and EVERYONE I know back home is living luxuriously, that probably means you.

7. I don’t think I’ll ever get used to cold showers, but I endured for two weeks.

8. In one week, I met and connected with people from Korea, China, Holland, Wales, Thailand, Australia, and France!

9. Mangosteen is my new favorite fruit, especially freshly picked from the tree.

10. Sustainable living (although some parts I’m not willing to do) is the way to go!

11. Bamboo is a strong a$$ tree and useful for so much!!!

12. The more I travel, the less I know.

13. In my volunteer house, I slept under a mosquito nest.

14. I got sucked on by two leeches in one day!!! They really don’t come off without a fight!!!

15. God is THE source. God is MY source. This journey is proof. Talk about a peace that surpasses all understanding…still working on that!

16. I came to Thailand in the beginning of monsoon season.

17. But really…Why is living sometimes the hardest thing to do?

18. Ladies, if your man tells you he’s going to Thailand (Phuket, in particular) solo or with his boys…’slow singing and flower bringing’ is all I’m sayin 😉

19. In Holland, every college student gets at least 100-400 Euro/month to pay for school-no loans and tuition cost is 1500-2000 Euro/year…yeah.

20. God willing, I’m back in Saudi mid-August.  Until then, this summer journey is a blank canvas and I have the paint to create.

Earning my country girl stripes!

Earning my country girl stripes!

8 thoughts on “June: 1 Month, 2 Countries- All God!

  1. oyinka says:

    wow! every picture is amazing. I am so happy for you. although we miss you, we’ll be here. i think you made the right choice. damn those blasted leeches (you can keep that experience). hugs. #Godisreal

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oyinka!!

      Thank you for always being supportive and loving me! Girl you shoulda heard my scream when I couldn’t get them off!!! Lol. God loves you!!!


    • Opal!!!

      Thank you for reading, it means a lot to me! I want y’all to share in this and remember the awesome God we serve! Keep being a super mom 🙂


      • opal says:

        I’m always reading, just never had a chance to respond with a kid graduating high school and leaving for college soon. I need him to go have adventures like these….maybe not the leeches, but you know what I mean lol


  2. Trai says:

    1, 3, 5, 7, 15, 19!! Best cell buying experience ever! We gotta take care of the family with the family discount! American edu needs to get it together making people out of control cost to get ahead, no quiero Taco Bell!


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